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Domain Name Tools

Whois - Show Domain Name Details
  • All Whois - International whois service to check domain name registration from nearly all domain registries worldwide.
  • Better Whois - Looks up the domain in the shared domain registry, locates which registrar has reserved the name, and visits and queries that registrar's database for the correct information.
  • Check Domain - Connects to the various domain registration databases around the world and displays the current status of a domain name.
  • Cool-Whois - Domain search that features historical caching of whois information.
  • Domain Search - Searches for all domains including ccTLDs and gTLDs at once.
  • Easy WHOiS - Lookup domains across all registrars and most country codes.
Expired Domains - Search & Lists
  • Deleted Domains - Search for expired domains by number of characters, extensions, having dashes or not, etc.
  • - deleted domains search
Search Engine Placement Tools
  • Link Popularity - Enter a URL to see number of links to it in AltaVista, Hotbot, and link to Google list.
Domain Name Generators
  • BustaName - Shows possibly good available domain names by combining keywords you enter and checking all keyword variation combinations.
  • - Finds domain names by generating keywords and making up name variations.
  • Domains Bot - Searches for available domain names using keywords, realtime with AJAX, with advanced search options.
  • Name Boy - Generates available names and names for sale.
  • - Put in a domain name and get a page full of similar names that are available.


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