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Free Image Hosting Review of

Status: Removed from the database.
Either it is no longer free, is currently not functioning, or was removed for some other reason.

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Description: Free remote image linking for ebay and auction sites, LiveJournal, forums, personal pages, etc. Free Pic Hosting also offers a number of page-counting reports, auction stats, and auction helpers. Upload via browser or download their free software. The free pichosting service resizes your images into three sizes (you cannot edit or use the original size). Limitations: 5000 page views/month; You can not remove images you are no longer using.

Date Added: Nov 19, 2003.
Last Modified: Mar 15, 2005.
Hits: 2,891
User Rating:
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Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Average Rating:  6.33 / 10

Total Votes: 9

6 User Reviews of FreePicHosting

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Reviewed on: 2004-09-04   -   (IP: 68.227.x.x)   -   Rated: 5
Where are they? I have my old pictures still listed, but new pictures won't load.  No troubleshooting information, and the download software link is also dead.

Reviewed on: 2004-04-19   -   (IP: 217.42.x.x)   -   Rated: 3
How do you contact them?!!  I have had a problem where the URL's they have given me for my pictures are dead as soon as they give them to me!  I have gone to their website and there are no contact links (and I am one of their customers that have paid for extra credits!)  There terms and conditions say contact us at EMAIL ADDRESS (clever....)

Reviewed on: 2004-03-12   -   (IP: 209.30.x.x)   -   Rated: 2
beware, this service is not free like the name implies. they charge you for "credits" which allow others to view your photos. very misleading. not recommended. keep searching.

Reviewed on: 2004-03-01   -   (IP: 68.160.x.x)   -   Rated: 9
No problem with it at all.....

Reviewed on: 2003-12-27   -   (IP: 68.3.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
(Disclaimer: I'm the author of the software) - The comments here are simply misguided.  No activex is required.  No download is required.  No spyware is used, or even possible.  There are NO IMAGE LIMITS, and no size limits.  Images are re-sized but if you read the online help you can specify your own size.  It's also one of the larger sites with 1,250,000 + images every month.  It's also much cheaper than other sites for premium services.  The previous comments are simply uneducated.

Reviewed on: 2003-11-21   -   (IP: 66.74.x.x)   -   Rated: 3
HIGH risk of spyware or DLL problems.  I will NEVER install mystery brand software for "Free" services.  You can bet there's a hidden agenda there.  If you like system stability look elsewhere for hosting -- especially if you don't use a browser that likes activex controls.

6 User Reviews of FreePicHosting

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