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Free Image Hosting Review of
Free File Hosting

Status: Removed from the database.
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Description: "FreeFileHosting .net" offers free file hosting for several image, audio, video, and document file types, with hotlinking allowed. Direct linking allowed for blogs, forums, auctions, etc. After uploading your file by browser form, HTML code for direct linking is given in several formats, including clickable thumbnails (Note: The file is served by a script, so does not end in the uploaded file extension, and therefore may not work on some forums and blogs). You can optionally have the HTML codes emailed to yourself. File size limit is 3072kb (3mb), bandwidth is limited to 1000mb per file per month, and files may be deleted after 30 days of inactivity.

Date Added: Feb 3, 2005.
Last Modified: Jul 11, 2005.
Hits: 11,184
User Rating:
# Votes: 2 0 1 1 0 3 1 4 9 51
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Average Rating:  9.13 / 10

Total Votes: 72

21 User Reviews of Free File Hosting

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Reviewed on: 2005-07-01   -   (IP: 200.232.x.x)   -   Rated: 1
The server is good - when it works! But in the last two weeks, it stopped showing imagens in my blog two times, and I had to upload them all again in order to see them. It was really terrible!

Reviewed on: 2005-03-29   -   (IP: 84.82.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
This is avery good image host! I upload some very big pics and they were all fast uploaded and still the same size! I love this site!

Reviewed on: 2005-03-25   -   (IP: 209.135.x.x)   -   Rated: 8
Just tried, it seems okay. normally I use ImageShack but this allows you to upload .ico & other files that image hosts do not allow.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-22   -   (IP: 70.33.x.x)   -   Rated: 3
an ok image host. good - 3mb uploads, bad - dynamic links, lame - they hit you up for a 10 rating here on free-webhosts (earn it, don't ask for it).

Reviewed on: 2005-03-21   -   (IP: 198.97.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Excellent! you provide us so many choices in which we can use the image we uploaded. Kudos for the hard work! Also, you donot manipulate the image, to write "free file hosting" or something. That is very good!

Reviewed on: 2005-03-21   -   (IP: 203.59.x.x)   -   Rated: 8
Very quick & easy to use. My MP3 file shows as a broken link quicktime in my browser when I try to download it for some reason, but if I choose to stream the file it works just fine.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-21   -   (IP: 67.49.x.x)   -   Rated: 6
the awesome: allows THREE meg uploads, supports MP3 streaming and videos, emails one the code to embed videos (optionally)

the good: does NOT require registration, allows one to mark images as private keeping it out of the public gallery

the bad: SWFs won't display in page but only displays a big orange download button, doesn't actually email code like it says it does

the UGLY: uses dynamic link to images that many forums don't accept

Would have been a nine if not for "the UGLY".

Reviewed on: 2005-03-18   -   (IP: 200.141.x.x)   -   Rated: 9
Very good host. Alows many formats and 3MB.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-16   -   (IP: 216.233.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
a little slow, but its great because you dont have to sign up, and the file size limit is huge!

Reviewed on: 2005-03-10   -   (IP: 68.5.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Great image hosting. They also alow mp3s which makes them even better. I will be using this site for all my image hosting.

21 User Reviews of Free File Hosting

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