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Free Image Hosting Review of

Status: Removed from the database.
Either it is no longer free, is currently not functioning, or was removed for some other reason.

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Description: "The Image Hosting" is a free image hosting solution that can be used to share pictures with friends, post images on message boards and blogs, and direct link images from your personal website or online auction (hot linking allowed free). It generates thumbnails for photos that are larger than 200x200 pixels in resolution. Registration is required to use the service. Limitations: You may upload as many images as you like, as long as each of them is less than 1024 kb (1 MB) in size; File types allowed: .jpg, .jpeg .gif, .png, .swf (Flash files); You are not allowed to hot link fullsize images on any large-scale, non-forum websites; No images will be deleted for inactivity.

Date Added: Aug 10, 2004.
Last Modified: Jul 26, 2007.
Hits: 91,200
User Rating:
# Votes: 18 7 9 6 10 4 21 46 90 399
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Average Rating:  8.97 / 10

Total Votes: 610

610 User Reviews of TheImageHosting

Reviewed on: 2005-05-09   -   (IP: 144.138.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
[No Review]

Reviewed on: 2005-05-08   -   (IP: 210.23.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
[No Review]

Reviewed on: 2005-05-07   -   (IP: 67.166.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Easy and uploads huge images! 4 megapixel images uploaded simply. Free service w/out strings attached. Amazing website.

Reviewed on: 2005-05-06   -   (IP: 81.137.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
fastest, most reliable, and easiest to use. Would definitely recommend.

Reviewed on: 2005-05-03   -   (IP: 66.131.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
[No Review]

Reviewed on: 2005-05-02   -   (IP: 62.79.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
[No Review]

Reviewed on: 2005-05-01   -   (IP: 69.199.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Quickest, free picture post site around, 10++

Reviewed on: 2005-04-30   -   (IP: 69.170.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
I admit im quite new to the computer graphics thing, but I love using this site due to its ease of use even for use newb types, and its reliablity. thanks again!

Reviewed on: 2005-04-29   -   (IP: 84.67.x.x)   -   Rated: 9
Simple, fast and clear! Good service. I recommend this free hosting to everybody.

Reviewed on: 2005-04-29   -   (IP: 200.121.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
[No Review]

610 User Reviews of TheImageHosting

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