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Free Image Hosting Review of

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Description: "Photo Jerk" is a free place to host images for online auctions like ebay, forums, personal websites, safe storage, blogs, and anything else you can think of -- hotlinking allowed. This free image hosting offers photo albums, statistics (bandwidth usage and times images have been viewed), and ability to upload multiple images and rename them. You can also create individual folders. Registration required. Image size limit is 50MB. File types allowed are Jpg, Png, Gif, Tiff, Tga, Swf, Zip (files automatically extracted and put in your account; bulk uploading via zip files). Bandwidth and storage space have unspecified limits ("unlimited" if not "abused"). Optional paid Premium Account allows better support and features. PhotoJerk runs on a redundant network of dedicated Linux servers on multiple gigabit connections to the internet.

Date Added: Jul 3, 2004.
Last Modified: Nov 22, 2007.
Hits: 10,120
User Rating:
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Average Rating:  9.06 / 10

Total Votes: 186

102 User Reviews of PhotoJerk

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Reviewed on: 2007-05-28   -   (IP: 70.122.x.x)   -   Rated: 9
Great! I went ahead and got the premium package. It allows fast, multiple file uploads and is reliable freehosting service. The only thing I would like to see is a Firefox upload extension made.

Reviewed on: 2007-05-14   -   (IP: 75.199.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
I do not see how they do this image hosting for free like this. I figured there was a catch, but there does not seem to be one. There is no number-of-image restriction. There is no advertising overlays on your images. After using it at no cost, I recently upgraded to a $20/year (less than $2/month) paid plan because I want to host certain images which require the paid plan, but also because:

1) if my use ever becomes "excessive" they will warn me instead of just cutting me off. It will not ever be excessive though, because it is just art images for my blog.

2) it is so cheap.

3) because I have a lot of images and it is important to me that they be available, and I figure with a paid hosting plan I will be the last cut off if they ever run out of disk space.

4) mainly because they provide such a valuable, reliable service that I just feel bad taking it without paying anything when the paid plan is so cheap.

Reviewed on: 2007-04-27   -   (IP: 84.12.x.x)   -   Rated: 9
I would definitely recommend these guys. The free picture hosting gives no-frills immediate satisfaction - just great!

Reviewed on: 2007-02-18   -   (IP: 204.8.x.x)   -   Rated: 10 is a good image host. Things such as hard drive failures are going to happen. I have an upgraded account and I can guarantee you that if you put a real effort to contact the site owners with your problems they will do what they can to sort out your issues. Rushing to Freewebhosts directory and rating it a 1 after one little error is not the solution to your problems.

Reviewed on: 2007-02-16   -   (IP: 70.107.x.x)   -   Rated: 2
It does not work for me. I paid, and now my images will not upload. It says an error has occured and to contact support, but when I do that it says go to forums, and the forums simply will not open. I have been trying like crazy to contact the website, but not possible. I even sent several emails to alan @ photojerk, the guy who handles abuse cases, hoping maybe he will reply, but no replies. I really want to use this website, but sadly it will not work for me (it works for others). I am really dissapointed.

Below was added 2-20 as a reply to the post above:

I have tried every single thing to contact this website and its owners. I have been online everday many, many times trying to contact this website, and the only reason I came here was because I saw that the owner had replied to some of the posts and maybe that way I could get through to them. I do not think anyone should take that personally, and I do not think that contacting the owners should be this hard when we are paying.

Reviewed on: 2007-01-26   -   (IP: 74.135.x.x)   -   Rated: 8
Their site is back up now.

Reviewed on: 2007-01-23   -   (IP: 72.200.x.x)   -   Rated: 1
They took my money, and the site is down due to server harddrive failure. All my pics are gone. Seemingly they had no backups to restore.

Reviewed on: 2007-01-21   -   (IP: 64.12.x.x)   -   Rated: 1
I am very disappointed in this site. I have a paid account with it, and on New Years eve the site went down and has not recovered over three weeks later. No notice, nothing. They say they are still up with a temporary page, but all my pictures I had hosted here no longer are displayed. I had to move all my pictures to another filehosting site. So for the 12 months of service I paid for, I received two. I think they should have emailed their paying customers letting them know what was going on, and should offer a refund.

[Reply by PhotoJerk owner: "We provided temporary storage space for image hosters. Image hosting was down for some time however due to the need for data recovery on an array that lost two hard drives at once. We do not provide paid hosted services, just extra benefits in return for a donation. Anyone who has read the AUP which they have agreed to will know this."]

Reviewed on: 2007-01-13   -   (IP: 172.194.x.x)   -   Rated: 1
This site is very bad. I paid for image serving, and a week later all my hours of work are destroyed and gone. Warning: do not use photojerk. Their homepage says "one of the photoamp harddrives died on us. Fortunately, we do not predict any data loss at this stage, and an on-site technition is currently looking into the matter." This message has been posted about 2 weeks now.

Reviewed on: 2006-12-17   -   (IP: 88.104.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
At last a brilliant photo hosting website ideally suited for ebay or other auction ads. I would recommend to anyone for free hosting of your images online.

102 User Reviews of PhotoJerk

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