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Free Web Hosting Review of:
  Community Architect

( "CommunityArchitect" )

Visit: Community Architect
(Click above to go to this free web site hosting service.)
Interests: Personal, Business.
Free Web Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Banner-Top.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: Browser, SiteCopy.
Editor: Advanced, Basic.
Scripting: ISML.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: Top-level domain name, or Subdomain.
Other Features:
  • Email Forwarding.
  • Multiple accounts allowed.
  • 60-days Inactivity limit.
  • File size limit 256KB.
  • Bandwidth limit 1,000 MB/month.
Date Added: July 25, 2002.
Last Modified: November 6, 2018.
Features Rating: 59   (out of possible 0 to 125 points)
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Average Rating:  7.47 / 10

Total Votes: 118

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46 User Testimonials/Reviews of Community Architect

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Reviewed on: 2006-04-11   -   (IP: 216.239.x.x)   -   Rated: 2
This one is bad. They have horrible customer support. I have moved to a new webhosting site now and am much much happier. I get more from the $3.50 per month web hosting package that my new web host offers than Community Architect's basic upgrade.

Reviewed on: 2006-04-06   -   (IP: 24.147.x.x)   -   Rated: 5
Was fairly satisfied until recently. Yes, the $7.95 a month is a bit high these days. Which is why I wanted to pull my stuff off and move it elsewhere... Except I can't seem to anymore. The main page is gone (, though my own web site ( is fine, and nothing from their emails works either anymore [ shows your mailservers are not setup right]. So I can't login or ftp in to get my files off the site. Nor does there seem to be anyplace to turn off the subscription so they stop charging me! Anyone have any links to them that still work?

Reviewed on: 2006-03-17   -   (IP: 4.152.x.x)   -   Rated: 1
After being with them for 4 years I'm looking into finding another host. The free service has always been slow because of the pop up adds you get even when trying to build or edit your site. Their free service is good only if you want to test or practice html. Otherwise it stinks if you want to actually build a site and are only given 12 mb of disk space and only 512mb of data transfer monthly. This makes their service one of the worst you could have. The upgrade options aren't very good either starting at 7.95 a month as the cheapest and giving you only 50mb of disk space and 2gb monthly data transfer. I've seen web host's going at 3.95 a month that give you more than that. I've even seen free web hosts that that give you more than that.

Reviewed on: 2006-02-14   -   (IP: 24.81.x.x)   -   Rated: 3
I made a website  at and had it for about 40 weeks. Once, I didn't log on for about 30 days and tried logging on to my account but the website ( login URL and my hosted website) didn't work. Would it be my Fire Wall blocking the pages from working? some of my friends say they can access it. Personally, this webhost is pretty good but, too many ads.

[Your website loaded okay for me -- has tons of ads though, and worse yet, you used frames, so the ads were on the page twice (in each frame).]

Reviewed on: 2006-01-20   -   (IP: 67.8.x.x)   -   Rated: 2
Hm... I'm not sure about this one. it's ok for a beginner, but I wouldn't really recommend this. (rather, I'd recommend to a beginner). Upload is a bit slow. I absolutely hate their site builder tool. I've only been using it for a short while (I'm going around testing all these), but I'll probably stop using it pretty soon. Not only does it have a banner on top and bottom, but they have pop-ups too. Not to mention the banners are about 1 inch thick. Absolutely terrible.

Reviewed on: 2005-05-10   -   (IP: 200.122.x.x)   -   Rated: 4
I've got to say it's the easiest way I know to setup and mantain a free website so far; even so... The file size and the free web space are very limited, but that didn't bother. This free web hosting service has one great disadvantage: Ads. Just one word can describe them: DREADFUL.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-13   -   (IP: 24.62.x.x)   -   Rated: 9
It gets a 9. I have another service to redirect people to my site. The redirected site sometimes is pretty slow, but freeservers site is not slow at all. This is almost 1 year since i used the service. All emploeeies at my job had to make a site, and the best one got the award of being the website for the compainy. They said the templete is not very good. But I still recommend it.

Reviewed on: 2005-02-13   -   (IP: 24.236.x.x)   -   Rated: 7
one of the downsides is that they put a top and bottom banner on your page PLUS a popup. And if your using HTML, your page can look like a total disaster. I'd hope my visitors have popup blocker to protect them from half the horror.

Reviewed on: 2005-01-01   -   (IP: 24.236.x.x)   -   Rated: 7
Freeservers overall is not the best, and their space is small. I'd reccomend it to beginners that don't use coding and are just starting out. But I wouldn't reccomend it to the more advanced. I've been using it for a while, and it hasn't had much downtime. The speed is average and as for the support features, I don't know. I haven't had to contact any support.

Reviewed on: 2004-11-07   -   (IP: 66.74.x.x)   -   Rated: 4
low bandwidth limitation, low web space limit, not very good webhosting support.

46 Customer Comments/Reviews of Community Architect

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