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Free Image Hosting Review of

Visit: ImageShack
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Description: Free web hosting for images with direct linking allowed (hotlinking). It can be used to share pictures with friends, post images on message boards. It can also be used to direct link images from your personal website or eBay auction. No signup required. Powered by highly reliable Linux dedicated server network. Limitations: File size limit 1.5 MB; File types allowed: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff, swf (Flash). Their FAQ states that the freely hosted images will not be deleted from their hosting servers unless the image files violate their Terms of Service (TOS).

Date Added: Mar 21, 2004.
Last Modified: Jan 20, 2012.
Hits: 225,935
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Average Rating:  8.37 / 10

Total Votes: 7820

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1395 User Reviews of ImageShack

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Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 68.207.x.x)   -   Rated: 6
they seem to not want me to host anymore pictures. its totaly anoying me. there seems to be a bug that wont let me upload anymore. its fast server when it works.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 168.103.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Great site for uploading images. they have bigger pic uploads limits and no bandwith limits which I loved. I have no negativity about it at all. they are always up and running and fast and efficient. all aspects point to good! If you havent used it yet you need to try it out because photobucket isnt nearly as good. if ya want image hosting free, image shack is #1.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 216.78.x.x)   -   Rated: 7
This is a great image hosting site. It allows for ease of use, and all of my images are uploaded to it. I would definetly recommend it, and actually have to some people. I've used it for quite some time. It's really fast. The only negative aspect so far is that if you have to clean out your cookies, or disallow cookies you will have to go back to your email that you get at first and click on the activation link again to log in, there being no way to log back in other than that (once you've registered, of course). But overall it's a really great site. And there isn't too much downtime that I've noticed.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 67.184.x.x)   -   Rated: 8
The host for the most part is one of my favorite, it is usually fast, and reliable. Sometimes though ill get dead pictures, or after about a month of working they will stop. Also i use images on my invisionfree site, so i have to take out the alternate url part, cause when they click on buttons or my logo it would bring people to image shack and not their desired destination. Ive used imageshack hosting for about a year and for the most part the host runs fast, but when it does go slow, my site goes slow, which can be a major letdown. Server support though...'i dont even know what that is'. I just wish i didnt have to worry about losing images for unknown reasons. In fact i remember having to remove a whole button set and reuploading it to fix the problem.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 67.83.x.x)   -   Rated: 9
This hands down is the best free imagehosting site on the web so far. The only complaint is that uploading more than one file can take a long time because you can only do one at a time.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 69.242.x.x)   -   Rated: 8
I love this host for images, only there are several problems. When making galleries, sometimes all the images show up with red Xs. And it's hard to login into your account.

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 203.134.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
I haven't as yet come across any limitations other than those specifies and they haven't been a problem at all.
All aspects have been very positive. Absolutely reccomend & have done so many times. I've only been using the service for about 3 months. I am unaware as of this post of any downtime at all. The service has always been quick for me personally. I've read the TOS & support features panels, they are well laid out & informative but I've had no reason to call on support at all yet. All in all, in todays web community, a free host such as this is an absolute goldmine & I have no idea how they do it for free but I'm sure glad they do. Thanks very much Image Shack!

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 24.238.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
I love them! They are the only site I go to upload! Fantastic. You get an option to register and save the URLs or not register and store them somewhere. Usually the only time when your picture would get lost is if it's a huge picture. Usually after submitting it again it stays. ;-) Looking for the best picture hoster ever existing you found one! It is very fast, reliable "working 24-7", I've used this image hoster for quite some time now. THEIR BIGGEST FAN!

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 130.88.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
The new transloader rocks! Except, my lousy browser doesn't support links :(

Reviewed on: 2005-03-01   -   (IP: 24.6.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Great features, great capacity and speed, convinient forum links, could use a little more user-friendly layout but overall, absolutely recommended.

1395 User Reviews of ImageShack

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