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Free Image Hosting Review of

Visit: PhotoBucket
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Description: Photo Bucket is a free image hosting company for ebay, online auctions, classifieds, message boards, blogs, live journals, and online photo albums. You can easily upload, categorize, add titles and delete images as needed. Direct linking is allowed, and there are tutorials for directlinking images on eBay auctions, MySpace, and Xanga. You can upload up to 20 pictures at once. Photos larger than 1 MB are automatically scaled down. Their BucketStamp is a dynamic imaging tool for you to share multiple images in a single link combined with some interesting animation, a form of photo gallery for your pictures. Limitations: 1 GB storage space; 25 GB/month bandwidth; 1MB (1024KB) file size limit; Extensions allowed: .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .swf (Flash files); Images must not contain any weird characters (numbers and letters only). The uploader converts bmp and tif to jpg. You can view the most recently uploaded pictures. Users in the UK have the ability to take any of their images or photos and publish to their mobile phone. You can optionally upload images via a regular email address. Also now features free video hosting -- users can upload, share, and publish video clips free up to 3 minutes long and 100 MB filesize (5 minutes in length if you are a premium user). Now serves over 500 million images a day. Photobucket has partnered with FilmLoop to make it easy for users to instantly create their own photo "loops" from existing image albums by simply clicking on the "Loop It!" button/icon in their photoalbum. FilmLoop is a free photo broadcasting ("photocasting") network/application that lets you broadcast photo "loops" to all your friends and family, displaying the photos in a "loop" on your computer.

Date Added: Dec 23, 2003.
Last Modified: Jan 20, 2012.
Hits: 191,974
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Average Rating:  8.66 / 10

Total Votes: 4021

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1355 User Reviews of PhotoBucket

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Reviewed on: 2005-10-27   -   (IP: 202.165.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
photobucket is really cool free photo hosting website.

Reviewed on: 2005-10-21   -   (IP: 213.207.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Photobucket was pretty great and cool, and sure it still is, but unfortunately their url address is added to the black list of the sites-to-be-filtered in Iran and no longer is accessible, so are their services (I wonder what the IR government is afraid of that almost all the image hosting and sharing services are blocked!?) I do miss :'(

Reviewed on: 2005-10-18   -   (IP: 203.214.x.x)   -   Rated: 3
This WAS consistently fast and reliable, so I paid up for a full account a couple of weeks ago. I should have known better. Now I can't get on to Photobucket at all. I'm mad, but grateful I at least found this site for an explanation. October 18th and still unavailable. I want my money back!

Reviewed on: 2005-10-12   -   (IP: 203.35.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
Have been uploading and using photographs on several message boards for quite a few months now and generally they are very reliable. Was seeing the pics on the websites until around lunch time today, but now they aren't appearing. My rating assumes that everyone's photoalbums will still exist when the site gets up and running again. Hopefully we won't have to upload again and relink to websites. Glad to know it's not just me.

Reviewed on: 2005-10-07   -   (IP: 24.92.x.x)   -   Rated: 10
I love my photobucket account. But I am also having the same problem. I can't even go to the website.

The PhotoBucket blog post at says the reason many people cannot access their website is because two Tier 1 providers got into a feud and cut off traffic to each other's network. It says, "Photobucket has acquired additional equipment and another provider in order to help route traffic that was unable to resolve  Just as we started to make the changes on our end, we got word that Cogent and Level 3 had begun to pass traffic between the networks again. It was an unfortunate situation that affected thousands of companies and millions of internet users." The owner said today, "We are working out a resolution on our end, as its out of our direct control.  Things should be looking back to normal."

Reviewed on: 2005-10-07   -   (IP: 4.224.x.x)   -   Rated: 4
I am glad I can finally hear that other people are having trouble with it. I can't connect to it or see anything hosted on it, going on for several days now.

Reviewed on: 2005-10-07   -   (IP: 81.170.x.x)   -   Rated: 1
I have not been able to access Photobucket for the last three days. does anyone know what is going on? I have tried everything. at moment I rate them a big fat zero.

Reviewed on: 2005-10-06   -   (IP: 4.156.x.x)   -   Rated: 1
I opened a photo album on photobucket a week ago and today I have been unable to even get on the website, let alone view the photos I uploaded. They haven't sent any e-mail explanation and that worries me! Where are my photos? Why am I being denied access? What is the deal? It seems they have blocked my IP address, as there is nothing wrong with my browser! I checked! What's the deal, photobucket? Why are you blocking access? ARGH!! I thought I could trust them!
My son in Iraq wants to have access to my photos and now I don't know if he can access the website or not! If I had known this would happen, then I would have never uploaded my photo's to their website!

Reviewed on: 2005-10-06   -   (IP: 12.22.x.x)   -   Rated: 4
This was the greatest website in my mind on Monday, 10/3/05. Unfortunately, since Tuesday, I have been unable get onto their website. so I am forced to move my pics to another similar host.

Reviewed on: 2005-10-06   -   (IP: 66.27.x.x)   -   Rated: 5
I have images on Photobucket and I can not view their site. This is really frustrating becuase i see, like others, there were no warnings that the site was not going to be up. Its a really great site and i am disappointed in the actions that were taken. These are people's personal and professional pictures.

1355 User Reviews of PhotoBucket

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